Why subscribe?

Through a lens of personal experience, the world of golf, and the power of legacy, subscribing will provide my readers excerpts and updates from my book, “Purposefull Success”, while sharing the stories, people, quotes, and facts encouraging us all to be mindful of our purpose and definition of success.

Our intended audience is parents and young adults who are golf enthusiasts of all levels and the writing and future interviews/ podcasts will reflect such. We will not be politically driven or negative. Our goal is that when an email is sent out to our subscribers, the emails are enthusiastically received.

What you will see

Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox so you do not have to remind yourself to check any new posts. Our posts will identify as one of 3 types:

  1. Book writing/ manuscript sneak peek

  2. Exploration of PurposeFULLness

  3. Interview/ Podcast

Join the crew and participate

Be part of a community of people who share your interests. Feel free to comment! I am interested in other perspectives and journeys and who knows… maybe your story or thought will be featured in the final manuscript!

To find out more about Robert Jones Black, visit www.robertjonesblack.com.

Subscribe to PurposeFULL Success

In setting out to to help the next generation, I found my purpose. And with that find, I found what I have long been missing out on... true success.


Sports Marketer, dreamer, philanthropist embracing a lineage for which there is much to live up to.